What do elk eat?

Elk are herbivores, which means that they feed on plants. In the wild, elk typically eat a variety of grasses, herbs, and shrubs. During the spring and summer months, when plant growth is plentiful, elk may also eat flowers, leaves, and other types of vegetation. In the winter, when their preferred food sources are scarce, elk may eat twigs, bark, and other woody plants.

Elk are known to be selective feeders, which means that they are choosy about the types of plants that they eat. They typically prefer to eat high-quality forage, such as fresh, green vegetation, and they may avoid eating certain plants if they are old, tough, or bitter-tasting.

In addition to foraging for food in the wild, some elk may also be fed by humans. For example, in national parks or other protected areas, elk may be fed hay or other types of supplemental food to help them survive during the winter months. However, this practice is not without controversy, as some experts argue that feeding elk can alter their natural behavior and make them more dependent on human assistance.

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